About Us
The Salmon Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School mission exists to provide a higher standard of Christ-centered education, to nurture their love for Him and others, and to promote excellence in learning, faith, citizenship, and life.
Our philosophy of education is based on the belief that all true wisdom and knowledge comes from God. The mission of Salmon Seventh-day Adventist Elementary School is to help each student develop spiritually, mentally, socially and physically. While knowledge is valued, our main objective is to develop a solid Christian character within every student, to help them realize their individual worth as children of God, embrace Christian values, and learn to make principled choices. It is also our mission to provide opportunities for students to accept Christ as their Savior.
What Our School Has to Offer You
• Idaho Certified Teachers Grades 1-8
• The State of Idaho Board of Education
• Christ-Centered Curriculum
• Computer Instruction
• Leadership Training
• School Library
• North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Commission of Accreditation